Friday, March 7, 2008

How to Make $1.5 Billion

The youngest self-made millionaire, excuse me, billionaire in history has just been recorded. Co-founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, 23 years old, has reportedly a 30% stake in Facebook. Facebook is also reportedly worth $12-14 Billion.

This mogul, just goes to show what is possible in the online world. Check out this article, and start believing! What does a 23 year old do with $1.5 Billion ? I am going to research Mark's lifestyle and find out what dreams he is making a reality. More to come...


Anonymous said...

that guy is a chump it's all about TP. check out my site when you have a chance.

Zero to Millions said...

trying to figure out even how to post correct comments.

Zero to Millions said...

it's actually quite nice to see how your brain takes in information. I never realized it until I read this blog.